Welcome, I’m Jen Black!

The driving passion behind Alchemy + Herbs Healing is to provide unique and creative solutions that will positively impact the lives of others. I offer a mix of Transformational Healing Sessions and small-batch personal care products and ritual tools to make sure there truly is something for everyone!

Years of working stressful office jobs had me feeling burned out and I knew I needed to make a change. I was craving a kind of work that filled my soul with joy. When I took a leap of faith and quit my full-time job in 2016, I wasn’t even sure what that meant. I just knew that it needed to be something where I could make a more meaningful impact on the lives of those I work with. Fast forward and here I am with Alchemy + Herbs Healing!

I believe that self care is one of the most important ways we can show ourselves love and respect. Most of us spend the majority of our lives giving so much of our time and energy to others without showing ourselves the same courtesy. It’s time for you to start honoring yourself so that you can start creating the life you dream of.

It truly is my passion and my goal in this lifetime to spread happiness, love, and healing with the world!

Fun Facts:

  • I love all things metaphysical, spiritual, and witchy

  • I’m a registered yoga teacher (even though I don’t teach anymore)

  • I’m a huge animal lover and volunteer weekly at a neonatal kitten rescue. I’ve been volunteering with animal rescues since 2014.

  • I run a private Facebook group where I share self care tips, crystal and herb spotlights, and host private sales. Members of my group also earn loyalty points with each purchase. If this sounds like something you want to be part of, you can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alchemyandherbs

  • I’m also a graphic designer and you can learn more about that side of my business here.

Jen Black is a Certified Hypnotist, and member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. She completes annual continuing education units to maintain her training at a high level. Jen is a Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner, Certified Crystal Practitioner, and Certified Sacred Soul Alignment Practitioner. She is currently studying herbalism through Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine.

If you’d like to learn more about my background and the path that lead me here, click the link below: